Egregor was born out of a network of professionals sharing their experiences and learning from decades of working with organisations engaged in social and environmental justice issues. We recognise that the systems and methodologies widely adopted by such organisatons, have both strengths and significant flaws. Egregor seeks to amplify the strengths and address the flaws of social innovators.
Egregor attempts to undo the chokehold of meeting funding targets and timelines.
Our team of global and thematic experts, makes use of their diverse experience to help social innovators shine.
We work with a charter explaining our vision and beliefs and are looking to connect funders and organisations who hold the same values
Egregor is a non-profit organization committed to making every donation we receive worthy of our sponsors’ trust. Donations are used transparently and serve to leverage our capacity to collaborate with a growing number of social innovators.
We apply the same ethical principles to our sponsors and social innovators alike. We work with a wide range of funding sources, ensuring that there are no strings attached to the donations we receive, and maintain transparency in the disbursement and usage of funds. The high number of sponsors guarantees that neither we nor our social innovators will be dependent on a single funding source to continue our work from one year to the next.